Friday, December 19, 2008


This week in particular has reminded me of some of the things I love most about the South, some of which are only relevant in the DEEP South where I come from. And since I don't write about "light" things very often, here goes...

Things I love about my South.

1. the way the city shuts down with the prediction of ice/snow that never actually comes...
2. sweet tea
3. cheese grits
4. pool swimming season lasts from May - September (at least)
5. sweet tea
6. New Orleans cuisine
7. two days out of school for Mardi Gras holidays
8. the ability to wear skirts at random points throughout the winter
9. no need for snow tires
10. sweet tea
11. southern accents
12. southern belles (like the sweet lady at our last church who sounded like Blanche Devereaux from the Golden Girls, but with much better morals.)
13. sweet tea

I'm constantly dreaming of places to move, all of which are NOT in the South, claiming that I can't stand the heat, that I want to meet people who follow Jesus instead of just claiming him, and that I want to hike and whitewater raft more. And those things are true, and those dreams keep dreaming, but you know, my South is home and you just can't get good sweet tea anywhere else, that's for dang sure.


Wishing you that joy and peace that came when the Word became flesh....

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