Friday, April 15, 2011

24-hour adventure: a walk in Nashville

It was a whirlwind trip, but a college roommate, her delightful baby, homemade pizza, the hospitable Forlines (and lovely Michelle) and a beautiful trek were all included, making this the most memorable 24-hour trip yet.

We had wicked storms the day before, this tree and broken bridge being evidence

Radner Lake behind us... she's a beaut (and so is Michelle)!

Before this was taken, we had some time to read some Scripture aloud to each other.

Going back through these pictures only remind me of our Autumn, North Carolina road trip, with no reservations, just our road atlas and a craving for elevation and breathable air.

There is some cool story about this particular scary spot, but I can't remember... possibly because I was so scared.

A sneaked-off-to spot on the edge of something steep.

The Rockies may not agree, but for us Southerners, this is hiiiiigh.

And of course, the yellows of flowers and the rushing of water do a girl good once in awhile.

What a girl wouldn't give for a rushing river and a mountain today...

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