Thursday, June 9, 2011

Music: a Porch Concert

What's this all about? Our friends over at Waynoka Cove have a beautiful community gathered around them (and beyond their own walls and street), and we're getting together to celebrate this! They've been building a workspace for artists, neighbors, building projects, etc. - all the specific uses are still being considered. And many people have given gracious gifts to the building of this workspace.

Though it isn't quite complete, we're celebrating all that Jesus is springing up in the hearts of his people, growing gardens, building workshops, and living together and loving each other. Come join us! (and bring a snack and your lawn chair/blanket!)

you're invited to
A Porch Concert with
Abbye & Jeff Pates
with friends Matthew & Katie Clark

in celebration of community
and new creative space at Waynoka Cove

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
@ 7pm, 3116 Waynoka Dr., Memphis, 38111
(this event is free of charge, but we will take up a donation for completing the shop)

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

I'm there, clapping and singing spirit of course, but I'm so very excited for the Cove and for the community that continues to be built there. Have fun!